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I love the art, it's just a bit too extreme for my taste. Good luck though.


How come there's so many missing images that need placeholders even on "Completed" routes? It's disheartening to have paid for something on the understanding several routes are complete, only to be missing a load of content

(1 edit)

For the "Complete" routes, it's the written story content and full graphics that are complete, while the sequence images and some sound effects still need to be added. Part of this strategy also allows for potential changes to the written script (for those routes that still need some further polishing) based on player feedback, without needing to rework the sequence images if they end up being impacted by those script changes. Those placeholder images for the sequence images are going to be addressed in upcoming mini-releases (e.g., V0.5.1, 0.5.2); the plan is to roll those particular updates out for free, we're evaluating the technical/platform logistics of how we can do that.


Which route has castration and penectomy?


Currently, none of the completed routes in the game have castration or penectomy; they'll be added in future releases (probably V0.7 at the earliest? TBD on that), and in the release announcement/release notes we'll add warning labels for those particular routes so you can see which routes have those themes ahead of time.


My head canon is that this VN is set in an acting universe where every character is a porn star/actor/actress, and the main character is only just starting out and this is their first day. And the reader is the director of this porn movie. Each route just caters to a different audience

And that everyone you meet is actually super nice and professional. Some stuff is just VFX magic like the "dumb rubber" or "fertile flora" ending. A bit of editing and practical effects but it's still Marco getting it on with these different people CONSENSUALLY.


That's a cool way of approaching the game! A lot of the time, that's actually a pretty similar approach I use when writing stories that involve characters that I don't necessarily want to make permanent changes to (or for stories involving more extreme content), almost like a "canon vs. non-canon" mindset.


this might be dumb..but where is the paid version? o.o it only gives me the free option to download..i wanna buy the paid version xD


No worries! I think these are the steps you need to follow, although let me know if they don't work for you.

1. Select Download Now on the game's page:

2. Enter the minimum price for the paid version, which is $8 in this case, then select your payment method and complete your purchase:

3. You'll then be directed to the download key page, where you can download your purchased file(s).

I hope this helps!


Yes thank you that worked! haha i feel like a himbo! playing it in LOVE with Daddy Jesse..


Awesome, and thank you so much for purchasing the paid version of the demo! Hehe so glad you like Daddy Jesse, he's been a ton of fun to write for!


love this game. For me, wish you guys 100% finish Jesse's route before the other xD. I like how serious Jesse's route gets, the other route becomes like just playing around after getting a taste of this daddy Jesse

For the next few releases, one of the tasks we'll be working on is pulling Jesse's routes further together, so there's more of him on the way!

(3 edits) (+3)

Sopilers for one of the routes (I guess?)

What if in the route where we choose to stay in bed and watch that video, instead of falling asleep we have the option to call our dad and do the same thing in the video? That would be peak


Hmm that's got me thinking! Maybe not something exactly like that, but potentially along those lines! 




Question, if i already paid for this game, do I have to pay again, for the updates????


Good question! The short answer to this is yes, if you want the paid version of each update, you'll need to pay for each updated version. However, if you're a Recurring Supporter on our Patreon site, you get the latest demo builds for free 1 week ahead of the public release!


That is extremely grimey >_>


I'm sorry but that is a very poorly thought out idea. I've already paid $18 for this and you want me to pay $10 or more for every time this game is updated in addition to the pay you already get on patreon on a monthly basis. And that is for just a demo, not even updates to a fully completed game. If 1.0.0 is the full release and you plan on keeping the price of the demo at $10 then by the time the full game releases a person would have needed to pay $68, if not more if you plan on increasing the price on the demos going forwards. For that price I could buy a full game on Steam or even several. And to the point that no doubt people will want to bring up of "Well just wait for the full finished game and buy that." that is a valid idea however the lack of consistent updates, even just on progress, leads people to want to access the game in the event that the creator loses interest or has issues during production and possibly removes the game from the site, the former part of this occurring quite often.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

A distinction I'd like to point out is that there is a free version of the demo and a paid version of the demo—both versions have updates, buying the paid version just gets you some additional content that isn't in the free version. So you won't necessarily need to spend $8 every time there's an update, unless you want to get that extra content. If you don't want to pay the $8 for the paid version of the update, that's ok, the free version has plenty of updated content in it, too. I also currently have no plans to raise the price of the paid versions of the demos in the future, although a change like that will be communicated ahead of time if that were to happen.

That being said, a model that I'm curious to get your opinion on would be paying a single upfront fee for ongoing access to the paid version, with free updates rolled out/patched for each demo release (like paying for the "premium" version of the game at first, and then getting that "premium" DLC content for free)? I'm not sure what that initial upfront cost would be, as I'm currently brainstorming and don't have anything concrete nailed down, but would a model like that be more palatable? Because I do concede your point, that paying a total of $60+ for multiple demo versions before the final game is ready for release is a steep ask. I'd be remiss if I didn't note that those payments are going directly to supporting the development of this project (and I want to extend another giant thank you to everyone who has bought the paid version of the demo, we do sincerely appreciate your financial support!), but at the same time, I do also genuinely want to find a way to make this economical for you all as the players/consumers as well as us as the developers; it's about finding that balance, and I do see it's not an ideal model as it currently stands. I'm also very open to other helpful suggestions you may have—I'll fully admit to not being exactly business-savvy in areas like this, and I'm still learning those particular ropes in the course of working on this project. This is my first rodeo in this kind of work, so any constructive advice you (or anyone else) have would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


All good points however usually with the free version on the update all of the content previously locked behind the paid version is then added to the following free version in the next update. So as an example all of the paid content in 04 would then be free in 0.5. This is pretty much the standard has how to most creators use paid demos or updates involving Patreon. Beyond this another reason people are disliking this payment plan about paying for each demo is that you do have a Patreon, one where you are already having people pay in order to access the game early. While I could be wrong I haven't seen a single other creator with one also have paid demos, at most they have a one time payment to access the game or have the non patreon version free but locked to one update behind the patreon, sort of an incentive to join.

So to answer your question there's three possible methods you might want to consider (though other users might suggest others):

1. Stagger the updates so the patreon has access one month in advance of all other sites. This will incentivize people to join the patreon in order to access the game early.

2. Have people pay $10-20 for access to all paid demos but also include the staggering idea in option one to further entice potential buyers while also giving another option on how to access the game.

3. Have people pay $30~ upfront but also give them the full game for free upon release as an incentive for them to buy it early. (Allowing people access to the final version for free would also be an amazing offer for higher tier patreons as it is once again another incentive for them to give money on a monthly basis versus a one time fee)

You've given me a lot of good stuff to think about, and I appreciate you taking the time to explain the rationale and propose some potential alternatives here! I can see how these options make sense and would be a lot more sustainable/better value compared to the current model I'm using, and I want to just say thanks for helping me course correct. I'll be taking steps to implement some version of this for the next release (need to figure out the logistics of making it all work based on the platforms in play, plus I'll be soliciting feedback on strategy before implementing, so stay tuned for updates), and I hope doing so makes this a better experience from a buy-in/supporter perspective.

Deleted post

Great question, thanks for asking! This will be primarily m/m relationships, although there may be an opportunity for an encounter with a nonbinary character in the future.


Ayyyy I paid for this game cuz I liked the demo


Hey, thank you so much! We really appreciate your support, and we hope you enjoy the updates that we've been working on, the next version is dropping in a couple days! 


oooo i scanned the guide to see if the content would appeal to me before buying, and yeah.  I really hope the "Rubber" option leads to breathplay :3


Ah it's killing me to hold off on spoilers, I wish I could tell you one way or the other! :D


well I'm going to keep hoping.  Got the paid demo with the guide, and so far the teased things on his path don't particularly appeal to me.  I do *love* his personality and scenario though, so yeah im hoping still x3

It keeps crashing on the dragon storylin

Thanks for the note about that! Can you share where the crash happens/do you happen to have the error message handy? We actually have a bug report channel on the Discord server if you're able to post it there!


when the dragon scene climaxes


good story so far,  but i'm gonna nope out hard of the back ally events


Fair, there's content that's not for everyone, and if something's not your cup of tea, that's totally ok! V0.5 (releasing in July) will actually have a content preferences screen where you can disable certain topics and you won't be presented with the relevant content (in some cases  the routes will be disabled completely, and in other cases you'll be presented with alternative content).


that sounds sweet

(1 edit)

A really fun read, but like, there's almost too much (almost) porn which I didn't even know was possible until now.


Glad you're enjoying this, (almost) too much porn aside ;) 


Such a good game. I NEED MORE


Thanks so much! More is coming soon!


last update 90 days ago.....


Thanks for your patience while we've been working on the next update! We're getting close to announcing a release date for V0.5 this summer.


who will be getting the scenes in the next update?


Right now, the plan is there's going to be more added primarily to Jesse's routes, Levi's routes, and Bruno's routes (sprites and full images are the main focus for the visuals for V0.5, with some sequence images, although those are a lower priority and we'll have more of those with future updates, too), and there will also be a little content added for bumping into Felix at the coffee shop and more added for when you get back into town after your encounter with Borovast.


This looks really cool so far! Will there be any paw content?


Thanks so much, glad you're enjoying this so far! Yes, there will be content that features paws/feet; currently, it's not so much as a primary focus/major kink, but in a more "supplemental" capacity (i.e., at this point in time, there's paw-related content in general and a couple opportunities for paw play/worship, but there is not a route planned that specifically focuses on paws as the only theme...but that could be subject to change!). 

I believe they state pawplay will be part of Levi's route in the guide.

I have a quick question: will there also be Macro / Micro content with extreme size differences, and also with age differences ?

Great question! While there's no explicit macro/micro content, probably the closest we'll get to that is interacting with Borovast the dragon (he's a big boi) when you go hiking. As for age differences, yes, there will be interactions with characters who are significantly older than you (as the main character).


The dragon was definitely a highlight already, I'm excited to see where the story goes from here, he's an adorable dragon and the other one is fine too because I just think it's a shame that there are generally very few macro themes in a visual novel.

The daddy crocodile has been an interesting experience so far and, above all, he is a pretty big boy~


I noticed you have castration and penectomy what route will that be in out of curiosity 

At the moment, there's no castration or penectomy in the current demo build (V0.4); to prevent spoiling too much, the routes that do feature that content will be announced when the demo build featuring them is released. Currently, it's likely that that particular content won't be implemented until V0.6 or V0.7 at the earliest (although that is subject to change).


Great game! Been eagerly awaiting updates!

Does Jesse's pet mouse mentioned in the Jeese's route have a chance to make an appearance? I'm quite interested in it. Will the protagonist have an opportunity to be trained with the little mouse by Jeese? Like, perhaps engage in a "friendly competition" or something of the sort? 

Thanks so much, really glad you've been enjoying this project!

At the moment there are no plans to feature Jesse's rat at home, although I can see the potential for an expansion of some kind where you and the rat could engage in that kind of activity to serve Jesse! Definitely an idea to save for the future (at the very least).


Im excited for Borovast's content!! I can't wait for more!!

Glad you've enjoyed what's available, and stoked to add more to the game! There's more material featuring him in the works!


i hope we get more jessse content

Definitely going to have more Jesse content!

o_o wow the daddy Jesse rout..has me turned on and very intrigued! hope theres more of that to come soon =3

Jesse is one of my personal favorite characters, and there's going to be a lot more content for his route!

hmmm, im interested in several of the really kinky fetishes in this game that are listed, however others listed are hard turn-offs for me. are there warnings for upcoming content or a way to turn certain fetish content on and off for this game?


Yes, there are going to be warning labels for the "spicy" content and the next update will feature the capability to disable certain fetishes (in some cases, you'll see alternative content, and in others you won't be able to play a route at all because of the content preference settings).


ohh, that sounds like more my cuppa tea <3 i'll probably wait for the update you mentioned before i try this for the first time, but im now looking forward to it <3

most of the content you listed very much interests me, its mostly castration/penectomy, watersports, and vore w/ digestion that had me hesitant to try this game out as especially the first two are hard-nope subjects for me ^^;

if anything, im into even weirder stuff than this lol (sex-creature infestation, demonic corruption, m-preg, etc), i'm just picky about the stuff i'm not into. but anyways! thank you so much for the reply!!

The thing is, MC will be dom, sub, switch? Top, bot or both? 


seems MOSTLY sub, but theres 1 paid scene in works with them assumably dominant


Sad but okay mostly games MC is sub/bottom 😭


Good question! There are going to be opportunities where you can choose for the main character to top or bottom in a scene—most of what's been written so far is a lot of the bottom content (primarily because the characters you encounter for those sections are much more dominant), but there are going to be dominant and top scenes in the future! For example, with Levi's route, you'll have the chance to hypnotize him and boss him around and top him, and the content planned for after going to the coffee shop first will have more routes for main character dominant material.

sorry to bring this question back up but as a top i gotta ask will there be actual dedicated top routes where MC strictly or atleast mostly tops? or will it be the usual "there are options" and it's just one or two scenes now and then?


No worries, thanks for asking! Yes, there are routes where MC tops; some of them are dedicated "top only" routes, some of them will be framed in a "what would you like to do" manner to give you options, and some of them will automatically direct you to a "MC topping" interaction based on previous choices you have made. While most of the content that's been produced/published so far has been pretty bottom-heavy, as we develop more of this project there will be more of a (hopefully) even balance between bottom and top content.


thank you kindly for your response sorry to make a fuss i just had to ask since a lot of furry games that say "you can chose" actually mean there is a single scene where you top a femboy or some shit and that is all you get


The kinks list is probably telling me that there are still more for me to discover


Reading the list of things in this game made me realize how vanilla I actually am...


Instant 5 star


I am just now trying out this game and it's so amazing!
I like to see bigger guys like Jesse manhandle Marco, so hot and kinky :)


Thanks for playing through this project, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Get ready for lots more manhandling, there's going to be some good content featuring that in the next update :D


I love jesse's section. I hope there's actual difference in giving in or resisting the croc


Jesse's section has been a ton of fun to work on, and I'm glad you love playing through what's available for it! The next update will feature a lot more content for him, and yes, there will be different endings available for either giving in or resisting :)

If we buy the current demo do we get the next paid demo for free? Just curious!

(3 edits) (+1)

The paid demo for each release will have more "paid exclusive" content added to it; for the time being, if you want access to that new exclusive content, then you'll need to pay again when the game is updated. 

However, I'm toying around with the idea that if you sign up for a monthly pledge amount/donate a certain amount (working on a Buy Me A Coffee page for donors to support the art and development for this project), then one of the benefits of that recurring donation/pledge amount would be free access to the paid versions of the demo builds as they're released (as well as sneak peaks at future content plans/advanced access to releases/etc.). Do you think that kind of support/reward model would be something folks would sign up for?


With how popular patron is and such, probably. Worth a shot at least?


I mean... the current model incentivizes just waiting until the game is almost complete and then just buying one of the premium versions. I'd definitely be interested in supporting the game on patreon if the contribution is reasonable for the premium version...


great game! Enjoyed it!

Cant wait for more kinkier stuff!

Maybe slave training or something alike? I LOVE HARDCORE STUFF!

btw, is there a plan or shcedule of future updates? 

And do I need to pay another 8usd when the game is updated?


Thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying this and looking forward to what's coming up for it! There is a plan to include elements of slave training/play :) 

Currently we don't have a precise schedule for future updates, and there's a very loose plan for the order in which content is going to be developed; there will be more details available on the Discord server when it's launched (currently in the process of getting it set up).

Each game update will have a free demo and a paid demo; if you want access to the content in the paid demo game files, then yes, you'll need to pay again when the game is updated.


Is there a Discord server for the game yet?

(1 edit) (+2)

I hadn't thought to create one; I can imagine that it would be a good platform for discussions, sharing updates, and bug reports, although I don't know if I would be super active on it apart from sharing info like "development on the X route is in progress/complete" or "here's a new character sprite" or maybe providing some small teasers once more of the art is complete. Although is that the kind of activity that would be expected? (I'm very much still a newbie to this kind of game creation/engagement, so I'm trying to learn best practices as I go along)


Yea, that's pretty common enough for VN discords! Great place for like FAQ, game discussion, just like community stuff, feedback, could also be great for organizing Wiki stuff if that's what you're planning on doing!!

Deleted 259 days ago

That content is not included in this demo, and it probably won't be developed/released for a while (still so much other planned content to develop before it!). I'm working on a wiki site (to be launched as part of the V0.5 release) that will have more details on the routes/themes included as development continues (and it'll replace the play-through guide)

(2 edits) (+3)

Ngl this is my favorite vn rn lol might buy the full game since its an easy 10/10 so far, also Levi is best boy and I'd die for him.

....Also you can't just make me jerk off and cum irl to an incest vid and not include a dad route or dad content that's just cruel.


Thank you so much, I'm delighted that you're enjoying this! Haha the main character getting it on with his dad would be pretty hot, although that's not in the cards for the currently planned story...maybe an extension of some kind after the main game is completed, though? Hmmm I'll think on it more!


I'd pay for a dad dlc lmao 


The amount of kinks in this game are crazy


Hopefully that's crazy in a good way?


Crazy good is correct accomendating for all

whats in the new update?

If you check the release announcement for the current build, that has a brief summary of what's available for the new update:

Although, for the sake of improvement and wanting to make the overall experience of the game better, would it help to have more detailed release notes? I'm working on developing an online wiki (to be launched with the V0.5 build and to replace the PDF play-through guide) and I'm strongly considering adding more detailed release notes as a feature to that.

oh not the build 4 update, there was a minor update afterwards according to the itch app with no explanation


Ah gotcha! That was an update just to let folks know that the game files had been compressed to a smaller size for better downloading.


Nice game! I will wait next update

it said in some route ill have to buy it, where is the link?


All of the game files are available for download from this main page; the two additional routes are in the paid demo.

and where can I buy this version? 

If you select "Download Now" on this main page, in the window that appears, you have the option of paying for the game files—the paid demo files are available if you pay $8 and can be downloaded once your payment has processed.


ok, thx man ut the best :)


Nice update, sir. You are cool author.

Thank you so much! So glad you're enjoying this update!

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