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hello were do I download the game?


Sorry for the delay, I've just posted updated files (there were download issues with the previous files posted earlier today) and they are now ready for download directly from this page. Thanks!



The downloads wont start and I think that I'm not the only one with this problem 


I have the same problem too. I tried to download the Android version and then it freeze the tab.


Thanks for letting me know! The game files are over 1GB apiece so the file size might be causing some delays/freeze-ups with the downloads, but let me take a look and see what I can do to resolve this. I appreciate your patience with this!

Thanks for letting me know! The game files are over 1GB apiece so the file size might be causing some delays/freeze-ups with the downloads, but let me take a look and see what I can do to resolve this. I appreciate your patience with this!


Whenever I try to download my screen freezes

Thanks for letting me know! The game files are over 1GB apiece so the file size might be causing some delays/freeze-ups with the downloads, but let me take a look and see what I can do to resolve this. I appreciate your patience with this!


Where do we download?

Apologies for the delay, I just finished updating the page, and V0.4 is now ready for download! The files are external on a Google Drive, although please let me know if there are any issues with accessing/downloading them. Thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

What the difference between the paid version and the unpaid version? The game page doesn't say it.

Edit: Never mind, found where to look.


Wow, a 0.3 version? I need to check it.


whats the plant stuff gonna be like?


Good question! That's where you're going to see more oviposition themes.


Can't wait for more Daddy Jesse 🥴
And BDSM contents in general

Glad you want to see more of him, and there's going to be more Daddy Jesse content coming in the next release (V0.4 release date is still TBD at the moment, but it's in the works)! And going to include more BDSM content in general with further updates, too!

would android or mobile support be in any of the plans for the future?


An Android version is something on my to-do list for V0.4—hopefully I can get it up and running, but still in the works at the moment!


any cock vore planned?

Thanks for asking! At the moment, no cock vore planned—it's possible that it might be included in a future version/content update, but right now it's not on the list of included topics I'm working on.

alrighty, just let me know when you do


seeing the list of things here I think a guide like the one for tavern of spear would be helpful for people looking to find specific scenes

It's not that complicated, just depends on the choices you make, it's not an rpg like ToS

Would you be thinking of adding paws and pawplay to the list of kinks during the development cuz this looks awesome!

Glad you like how this is looking so far! Yes, paw play is something that's going to be in one of the future updates! Not in V0.4, but somewhere along the line, it'll get included :)


Wowzie! Thanks a lot for considering!

I played the new demo, and guess what's been added!!!! OWO

Thanks a lot!


Just wondering, are you by any chance planning on expanding the vore content of this? Possibly some explicitly endo vore?

Good question! At the moment, I don't have any plans to expand on the vore content, although that's not to say that I definitely won't be planning on expanding on it (i.e., it's possible that there might be some additional vore content in the future, but it's not on the to-do list at the moment, although I do certainly see the appeal of having an endo option as compared to the implied digestion!) 


Is there a way/ will there be a way to censor what kind of content we can experience? I would really like to avoid that last mention on the kinks list and while I'm not opposed to vore i dont like the idea of digestion. 

Good question, thanks for asking! There won't be an explicit censor on the content to prevent you from seeing it, but I am planning on including warning labels of some kind to let players know when they're about to encounter some spicy content—at that point, you'd need to select "back" and choose different options in the path you're playing.

holy shit the art is amazing

Ninetht is the best! She's such a pleasure to work with and I'm in love with the art she's producing for this—so glad you're enjoying it, too!


Is it possible to dom and top all characters or only bottom?


There will be characters that you can top, although that content has not yet been developed—but stay tuned, it's in the works for later releases!


I meant more if you can top EVERYONE. Now, being able to top everyone is the ideial


some not all is what they were saying


The ideial would be able to top everyone, of not what's the point

(1 edit)

Is that the kind of stuff something that you'll only happen to release after finishing the demo version of this project of yours (maybe perhaps possibly perhaps demonstrate a few and/or a couple of scenes of the Player/MC Topping/Doming all the characters or vice versa with any/all the OC's doing the same thing to the MC/Player) or something closely related to that, sometime/somewhere along those lines?


just a suggestion, but i think you should also tag this game NSFW


that was so hot, i cant wait for more!!!!!!!


When is the android version?

I want to read it so bad rn because of my friend.

(4 edits) (+3)

I have to say, you have quite a long list of kink/fetishes that give this VN project of yours quite a bit of variety to it and if you're planning to add even more to it beyond what you've listed so far then that makes it even better than ever (including but not limiting it to the aspect of vore and I hope that the other aspects of that kink/finish next to oral can be included to this as well such as cock, anal, and/or unbirth and perhaps maybe even a combination between unbirth + Mpreg such as say for example as shown/demonstrated by this picture through this link here as you update it bit by bit following along according to your own schedule)! Especially in the case of whatever kind(s) of situation/scenarios the main character might get into whether he did it intentionally or not when he interacts with whatever kinds/types of various humanoid animals (a.k.a. anthropomorphic beings) that might happen to live/exist in that world. No matter whether they happen to be a species from the genre of supernatural, fantasy, sci-fi or anything else in between and/or beyond even that, I can't wait to see them all! More so if they happen to be aliens, interdimensional beings, cryptids (such as Werewolves and Wendigos as well as any others that are listed as such), magical creatures (dragons being the biggest and best example plus several others) or heck why not just mix it up with any kind of fictional kind of species that's been made up from any and or all kinds of entertainment media's/franchises that are out there these days (like Zelda, D&D, The Elder Scrolls/Skyrim, Guild Wars, Elden Ring, and others outside of games of course which could be movies/films, comic books, anime/manga, graphic novels, live-action/animated TV series etc.) so that maybe it can give an unexpected and unique twist to the whole story only if that's a possibility that you might consider for your VN of course. 

But in any case, thank you very much for creating such a unique and interesting VN, even though it's just starting out as a demo. I'm sure it will have the potential to gain a pretty quick and big fan base following to it later on down the line in the future. So with that in mind I'm eagerly awaiting to see what you add to this when the updates come by and where it will go from there, right up to the point where you might decide you've done all you can with it and perhaps leave a hint that there might be more to come in some kind of sequel/continuation to it in some shape or form. Only if I'm not being too presumptuous with mentioning that, of course. Anyway, I've probably rambled on about this for far too long right now, so I'll just end it by saying thank you very much again for your time as well as the work you've put into this project so far.

I hope you can continue with this without worrying too much about any kind of set-backs or obstacles that might interfere with you trying to complete this and also you'll be able to stay in good health during that time as well!

With all of that said and done, may you stay safe, stay well and enjoy the many days, weeks, months, and/or years ahead of you as you live a long and prosperous life with little to no issues during that whole time of your life as well.


cant wait for more content


what a coincidence i played this game on my day off


Hope this game has a consistent schedule for each new updates.


I'm hoping that I can get updates out on a regular basis, maybe once a month or every 6 weeks, somewhere in that range—it's going to depend on other projects and work, but I'm going to keep working on it!


This is clearly very unfinished. Most of the routes don't even go anywhere. It seems a bit early to be releasing it?

(1 edit) (+6)

Yep, right now it's not finished, I'm just getting started with it. V0.1 is just a basic demo to solicit constructive feedback, test it out, and put this on the radar that this is a game that's in the works and currently under construction. There'll be more soon :)


will it also be on android?

(1 edit) (+4)

Great question, thanks for asking! At this time there are no plans for an Android version, although it's a possibility to explore further for the future.


If this game made with renpy you can still play it on Android with joiplay apps

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